Ukawa Naohiro opened DOMMUNE on March 1st 2010. DOMMUNE is a media platform for broadcasting ideas, music, performance, and other forms of cutting edge culture. It is the first live streaming channel in Japan.
Live streaming is similar to a TV program on the internet where you can watch live video by using a computer or smartphone.
Programs are broadcasted on weeknights, from Monday - Thursday. DOMMUNE consists of two parts. From 19:00 - 21:00 there is a talk show with local and international guests discussing a range of topics. From 21:00 - 24:00 BROADJ is a music show with DJs and musicians from around the world performing.
DOMMUNE has built up a strong following and developed an international reputation. It has a large number of viewers both inside Japan and overseas.
You can watch shows either streaming online or by being part of the studio audience at the DOMMUNE studio.
When watching DOMMUNE you can log into the site via Twitter and tweet your thoughts, interact with other viewers, and follow the timeline of people tweeting about the show. Ukawa understands the recording, streaming and archiving of these programs as a form of "Momentous Art". In 2011 DOMMUNE was chosen by the Japanese Ministry of Culture as its recommended piece for the 15th Japan Media Arts Festival.
A combination of Ukawa’s love of experimentation and a constant variety of exciting guests has made DOMMUNE one of the world’s leading streaming channels. Please tune in!
Just visit from 19:00 Monday through Thursday!
When DOMMUNE is live, the screen in the middle of the home page will stream content directly from DOMMUNE.
You can watch DOMMUNE whenever you want while it is streaming. The shows are only available to watch live, it is not possible to download them or view them later.
Go to and check the icons at the bottom of the main page.
You will see icons for upcoming shows. If you click on an icon, it will take you to a webpage providing more information about that show.
We announce everything first on Twitter, so please follow us on @DOMMUNE !
DOMMUNE is based in Shibuya and has a live studio audience. You can go to the studio to watch live talk shows and musicians. If you’d like to attend, you normally need to register beforehand.
Go to and click on the icon for the show you want to attend. These icons are located on the bottom of the page, underneath the streaming screen. DOMMUNE will also post the registration links on Twitter.
After you click on the icon, the details for the show will be displayed.
Scroll down the page to the registration form, and please enter your name, email, and twitter account (if you have one), then hit ‘send’. That’s all!
The closest station is Ebisu. Exit the East / West exit of JR Ebisu, turn right and walk along Komazawa dori towards Roppongi. Walk straight on the left side of Komazawa dori for about 10 minutes. You will pass a 7-11 store on your left, and DOMMUNE is about 100 metres farther along the street. DOMMUNE is located in the basement of the building. Look for the small DOMMUNE logo above the stairs. Alternatively, it is a short taxi ride from either Ebisu or Shibuya station.
Anybody is welcome to come and join us at the DOMMUNE studio to watch the live stream,
but please be aware of a few things:
DOMMUNE is only possible because of the help of all the performers, the artists who make the music played, and many other people. You can record the DOMMUNE stream for your own personal enjoyment, but please do not post it online or make it available for download. We ask that you respect this policy so that everybody can enjoy DOMMUNE!
DOMMUNE has an agreement with JASRAC《Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers》, which has been in place since it commenced. With the help of the performers we report all the music played, and we pay all fees.
JASRAC registration numbers
For inquiries about registration, how to find DOMMUNE, and other general questions |
For inquiries about bookings or program ideas | |
For inquiries about advertisements |
We receive a large amount of emails, and it may take some time to respond to any queries. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Thanks!