2024/01/31 WED 21:30-24:00

DREAMESCAPE Presents「Bassiani 10 Years feat.NDRX & HVL」

●DJ:NDRX(Bassiani|from Tbilisi)、HVL(Bassiani|from Tbilisi)、YUI(DREAMESCAPE|JAPAN) BROADJ#3261


ALL ELECTRONIC MUSICをテーマに掲げるDREAMESCAPEは、これまでにAKIRAM EN、Alessandro Adriani、Haruka、Konduku、Resom、Vladimir Ivkovic等といった国内外の極めて先鋭的な電子音楽家達を交え、先端のElectronic music soundを提案している。今回は、ジョージアの首都トビリシに位置するクラブ”Bassiani”を拠点に、ヨーロッパ各地の主要クラブやフェスティバルでプレイし、現在、日本国内を含むアジアツアーを敢行中のNDRXとHVLを招き、SUPER DOMMUNEでPLAYする。彼らがレジデントDJとして一翼を担うBassianiは、ジョージアのクラブシーンを大きく前進させ、今や世界最高峰のクラブの一つと称賛されるに至り、本年2024年に設立から10周年を迎える。

DREAMESCAPE, which has been YUI's open-close DJing with the theme of ALL ELECTRONIC MUSIC, has featured AKIRAM EN and Haruka from Tokyo, Alessandro Adriani,Konduku,Resom, Vladimir Ivkovic and others from abroad.
This time, NDRX and HVL, who are based at club “Bassiani” in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, have played at major clubs and festivals across Europe, and are currently touring Asia including Japan, will be DJing at SUPER DOMMUNE.
Bassiani, where they play a part as resident DJs, has greatly advanced Georgia's club scene and is now hailed as one of the best clubs in the world, and will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2024.

●NDRX(Bassiani|from Tbilisi)

現在、世界最高峰のクラブと呼び声が高いBassianiは、2018年にジョージア警察による強制捜査が行われ厳しく弾圧された。数万人ものダンサーが強制捜査に対してのデモ活動が行い、ストリートレイヴに馴染みがあるNDRXは、"We Dance Together, We Fight Together"というスローガンを掲げ、群衆のためにプレイでデモ活動を先導した。
近年、NDRXはベルリン"BERGHAIN"、アムステルダム"De School"、ニューヨーク"Basement"等といった、世界で最も有名なダンスフロアに迎え入れられている。

NDRX is a Georgian electronic music scene activist and resident DJ of renowned techno club BASSIANI. The journey of a compassionate defender of club culture’s true values starts back in the mid-2000s, when, joined by teenage peers, he starts throwing impromptu raves in the streets of Tbilisi. "We Need More Clubs in Georgia'' becomes a motto of then-newbie young DJs, who were greeted by clumsy gazes and disdain by the passers-by. Nevertheless, the crave for dancing and playing music encouraged them to start throwing parties during the times when not much was happening in the city. Following years sees enthusiastic NDRX founding Stare at DJ (2012-2015), a music series which contributed to the development of the local scene for years. His next venture, 11TH Floor (2015) aimed to unite the group of like-minded electronic music artists. "Other artists joined me on the 11th floor, and something like a commune was created." NDRX’s dedication to the DJ school has encouraged a staggering wave of new DJs and producers, who fill the clubs both home and worldwide nowadays.
Since 2016, NDRX proudly joins BASSIANI, a prominent techno institution which revolutionized Georgian club culture and left its mark on the electronic music movements globally. Serving as an underground basis for resistant and subversive youth culture,BASSIANI was notoriously raided by the state armed forces in 2018, prompting tens of thousands of dancers to take to the streets in protest. NDRX, no stranger to street raves, helmed the boisterous task of playing for the protest crowd joined by the artists under the new motto, "We Dance Together, We Fight Together." The state stepped back, and the club eventually reopened next weekend. In the last couple of years, NDRX stands as an embraced guest of one of the most celebrated dancefloors worldwide: Berlin’s Berghainl, Amsterdam’s ADE, De School and Vault Sessions; Exit Festival Serbia; Sonar Barcelona; Basement NYC; ODD São Paulo; Fast Forward Copenhagen; Robert Johnson Frankfurt; and Kremwerk Seattle, to name a few; a frisky explorer of unapologetic queer collectives Herrensauna (Berlin); Spielraum (Amsterdam); and Tbilisi’s own Horoom Nights. Focusing solely on DJing, NDRX’s sets bring a scrutinizingly selected and masterfully put-together experience with technical prowess from his spectacular music collection. His sets create the unyielding spirit of the dancefloor, a gutsy passion that makes him the tour de force of the Georgian electronic music scene.
Sound cloud

●HVL(Bassiani|from Tbilisi)

David Datunashviliとのエレクトロニックミュージック・デュオ"Okinawa Lifestyle"としての側面を持つ
Gigi Jikia(aka HVL)は、ジョージアはトビリシに位置するテクノ・クラブ"Bassiani/Horoom"のレジデントであり、
プロデューサー/DJのソロ活動を開始して以来、"Bassiani Records"、"Rough House Rosie"、"Tabernacle Records"、"Organic Analogue"といったアンダーグラウンドの中でも先鋭的なレーベルから自身の楽曲を発表している。
近年、HVLはセレクターおよびDJとしての地位を高めていき、"BERGHAIN"、"Hï Ibiza"、"Berlin Atonal"等といった世界最高峰のダンスフロアで精巧に作り上げたLive setとDJを披露してきた。

First coming to attention as a member of Okinawa Lifestyle duo in 2009, Bassiani/Horoom resident Gigi Jikia a.k.a HVL has become a leading voice of thriving techno movement centered around Tbilisi club scene. Since starting solo career in 2013, HVL was busy exploring more diverse range of genres and styles. His solo releases which have appeared on underground outposts like Bassiani Records, Rough House Rosie, Tabernacle Records and Organic Analogue, have testified to taste that’s also reflected in his Live performances and DJ sets.
The outstanding debut Ostati LP on Organic Analogue Records (2018), intended as a manuscript of the sound of Tbilisi, is a seductive update on the established HVL’s dynamics, centered on outboard house and techno with a noticeably understated mood.
As HVL’s reputation as a solo artist grows, so does his status as a selector and DJ. Jikia has taken his skillfully crafted Live shows and DJ sets to new heights in 2018, hitting up some of the best dancefloors in the world from Berghain and Hï Ibiza to infamous Berlin Atonal.
Sound cloud


YUI is Tokyo-based on DJ.His Party, DREAMESCAPE, which has been YUI's open-close DJing with the theme of ALL ELECTRONIC MUSIC, has featured AKIRAM EN and Haruka from Tokyo, Alessandro Adriani,Konduku,Resom, Vladimir Ivkovic and others from abroad.
Sound cloud

ENTRANCE ¥2000(超エクスクルーシヴ47人限定スタジオ観覧者募集!! スタジオに直接おこしください!!)
PLACE 〒150-0042 東京都渋谷区宇田川町15-1 渋谷PARCO9F「SUPER DOMMUNE」
15-1 Udagawa-Cho Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0042|Shibuya PARCO9F「SUPER DOMMUNE」
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