2025/01/08 WED 22:00-24:00

Harmony Presents HADONE|ANRI


■Monnom Black、Mama Told Ya、Kaos、Klakson、そしてもちろん Taapion など、先鋭テクノ レーベルから複数のリリースがあり、ANETHA、VOISKIもプッシュするフレンチ・アンダーグラウンドの雄、HADONEが、2014年からベルリンを拠点に活動するANRIとともにDOMMUNEで迎春プレイ!


french based techno producer & dj.Although Hadone mainly expresses himself through music, he is also passionate about creating connections between different art forms. At the very core of this vision, you’ll find his project ‘Things We Never Did’ where he fuses music with fashion, gaming, design and short movies.
Hadone is also known for his frequent releases on major techno labels, including Monnom Black, Mama Told Ya, Kaos, Klakson and of course Taapion. His approach to music production led to him composing each track as a tale about his current mindset. Completely opening himself up alongside his own frustrations and questions, when he produces music, we can hear the complexity behind the man in his very unique approach to melody, rhythm and sound.
DJ wise, Hadone offers unique sets throughout selected clubs and festivals where regular 4×4 techno encounters breakbeat, IDM and other inspirational tracks of his own selection.

ENTRANCE ¥2,000(超エクスクルーシヴ50人限定スタジオ観覧者を募集いたします!直接スタジオにお越しください )
PLACE 〒150-0042 東京都渋谷区宇田川町15-1 渋谷PARCO9F「SUPER DOMMUNE」
15-1 Udagawa-Cho Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0042|Shibuya PARCO9F「SUPER DOMMUNE」
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